What Crack Patterns Can Tell You About Your Foundation Damage

15 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog


If your foundation has developed cracks, you need to look closely at the cracks and determine what types of cracks you have. Knowing what types of cracks you have can help you determine what type of damage has been done to your foundation 

Crack Pattern #1: Diagonal  

Diagonal cracks are one of the most common types of cracks that develop in foundations. These types of cracks often start in the corner of your foundation. They are more than often caused by your foundation either settling into place or sinking. This can be caused by soil that is expanding or by soil that is too heavy due to excessive moisture in the soil.  

Crack Pattern #2: Stair Steps 

Another common type of crack is a stair-step crack. Stair-steps cracks are caused by the same reasons as diagonal cracks; your foundation is either settling in place, or too much pressure is being put on your foundation by the soil that surrounds your home.  

You may need to look into how water flows away from your home. You may need to clean out your gutters, check your downspouts, and redirect water away from your home in order to prevent more stair-step and diagonal cracks.  

Crack Pattern #3: Vertical 

Vertical cracks have a few different meanings. If you have really small and thin vertical cracks, these are known as hairline cracks, and they usually happen right after your home is built and the foundation goes through a normal settling process. These cracks should be filled in, but they are not a really big deal. 

Where you need to be concerned is if you have brand-new large and deep vertical cracks that run the length of your foundation or the height of your foundation. These can be a sign of serious issues with your foundation.  

Crack Pattern #4: Horizontal Cracks 

With horizontal cracks, look at where the crack is located. A crack that is low on the foundation wall usually means that too much pressure is being placed on your foundation by the soil on the other side. Your foundation may collapse if you don't put reinforcements in place to strengthen the wall and relieve the pressure.  

If you have cracks in your foundation, make sure you can describe the cracks, and call a foundation repair service to come out to your home and help you. Foundation cracks are a serious issue that should always be addressed right away.